Opening Hours
Monday-Saturday: 10:00 – 20:30
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:30
Are you looking for a schedule for today, but its locked? Call the +3620/3564310 number and ask!
Number of players and price
2 players: 7.999 Ft
3 players: 9.999 Ft
4 players: 11.999 Ft
5 players: 13.999 Ft
6 players: 14.999 Ft
7 players: 15.999 Ft
8 players: 16.999 Ft
We can solve the game of bigger teams until 120 players!
For businesses the charge is accountable!
Discount for groups of over 20 people:
If the number of the team is over 20 people, in that cash we can provide a -10% discount.